How to monitor my connection

Hi there, hope I’m not writing a unuseful and already touched theme. Sometimes my BitcoinCore loses 1 or 2 blocks, sometimes the health state test fails and this puts my node in a limbo (if BitcoinCore it’s not synched, neither are other services). When I see through the logs, it seems that the proble is the unreacheability of the hosts. I wonder why: maybe the problem is my connection? Maybe the fact the my btc node is set up to go under tor and tor is unstable?

I believe that with some circustances, it’s impossible to run a LN node (it could be embarassing to have your node stuck when you are ready to pay for something)

I was thinking: what should I check to understand the source of the problem? Is there a tool to monitor my connection and see if sometimes I lose the connection?

Thank you in advance

It could be a couple of things, such as hardware limitations or connectivity issues. First, you can check in System > Insights > Monitor how many resources you have available. Then, you can try to enable Clearnet in the Bitcoin config and see if it helps. Also, do you have everything up to date (StartOS, services)? Have you tried restarting the server to see if it helps?

Hi @h0mer , thanks for your reply. Today I experienced this problem while I was testing the ping, so it’s something that doesn’t (shouldn’t) depend from my connection. Hardward shouldn’t be a problem cause it’s quite decent.

I found a similar topic where people asked for a similar problem ( Bitcoin Core Synch constantly timing out - Ping test 0ms, 0% packet loss - Wired LAN - No firewall - #20 by simono ), I copy my reply about my hardware here too:

"0% packet loss, ping around 25/45ms, download around 100Mbs
Last ping check results:
“271 packets transmitted, 271 received, 0% packet loss, time 270396ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 25.504/32.620/116.403/8.612 ms”

Hardware: a laptop with Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU N3540 @ 2.16GHz / 2TB ssd / 8gb ram.

Services installed: Bitcoin Core, Electrs, Jam, LN Terminal, LND, Mempool, Ride The LN."

I add that yes, everything is up to date.

I actually didn’t do a restart, just a rebuild. I will try, hoping I won’t have to redo the IBD :eyes:

Restart done: 2 days of stability, and now here we are again…

Please see my reply in the other thread you linked to. Your device is only slightly more powerful than a Raspberry Pi, and for a full Bitcoin stack as you are running, this may be insufficient, especially in the coming months and years as the resource consumption continues to increase.