Start 9 won't connect to internet

Powering the external USB drive means it’s less likely to come corrupted (or knocked onto read-only mode) due to lack of power. So if you’re looking to continue using this device, externally powering the USB drive would be a good idea.

If you’re asking if you have to replace your SSD, no, the suggestions you’ve been given have been to power the drive you already have.

A popular option is this kit that Start9 used to provide…

Ok I got a powered usb hub, and I was able to restart and get to the start os recovery process. During the ‘initializing stage’ I got this error code and it won’t seem to let me get past this.


RPC ERROR: Database Error no rows returned by a query that expected to return at least one row

I’m not following exactly what you’re doing. You need to reflash your SD card… this is what you’re doing to get to “Initializing”, right? With a flashed SD card, you’d turn on a setup StartOS while selecting “Use Existing Drive”

Remember, we have no idea what the status of that data drive is. If there are issues with it, there may be no other option than to restore from backup.

You may also want to purchase a new microSD card, just to be sure.

Please post a link to the powered USB hub you purchased.
Rexter, this is the link, its the same one you suggested.

As StuPleb suggested, I reflashed a brand new SD card, and went through the setup process, selecting use existing drive. This image shows where I got to before I got this error code at 3% progress.

I am going to try to clear all my browser cache and adjust ad blocker? and then try again.

As that error says, most likely that error just indicates that your browser lost connection with the server. It does not indicate a problem with the server itself. Did you just let it run? Are you able to connect with another browser, or computer?