i’ve not been able to sync my node. it keeps being killed by sigkill and restarted. i’ve disibled all other services (eletrs, mempool…) and I gradually increased the ram to 32GB. the mashine runs in a hyper-v VM on my desktop with 64MB RAM. I tried system rebuild as well.
i’m surprised that nobody else has encountered the same problem.
I give up and i’m going to install a new instance into a new VM and hope it solves the problem…
There was an issue earlier with Bitcoin where after installation / upgrade you needed to make sure the config was saved, then restart. If you’ve done that and a system rebuild it should work.
I read that you were going to install a new instance in a new VM. This should work w/out issues for you. If you run into any issues there, please post back and let’s figure this out. Please include what version of StartOS and Bitcoin you are running.