I can’t connect to my noun-adj, sometimes I’m able to connect when using the IP address, but this method no longer works! I’ve tried the entire troubleshooting guide, and retraced my steps multiple times.
I can’t even access the support page on matrix anymore with the credentials that used to work…
Can someone please help me get my S9 working again?
The mesh setup could very well be your problem. Do you an Ethernet port or an Ethernet to USB or USBC adapter cable. you can try to plug straight in to the router and if everything works then it is probably mesh. Does your mesh allow you to choose different WiFi connections. If it does choose the base one or the first one that is being sent from your router
This sounds similar to the issue I was having with mDNS on my machines. Have you tried looking here? I’m running Linux so starting/enabling systemd-resolved solved the issue for me.
The problem you’re encountering is related to mDNS (Multicast DNS) not working correctly on your device.
mDNS allows devices on a local network to discover each other using hostnames instead of IP addresses. In your case, it seems your device is unable to resolve .local addresses, which are typically handled by mDNS.
Common causes of this issue include:
VPN Interference – If you’re using a VPN, it might be blocking mDNS traffic, as VPNs create a separate network. Try disabling the VPN temporarily and see if that fixes it. If it does, you may need to adjust VPN settings or use one that supports mDNS forwarding.
mDNS Service Not Running – On Linux-based systems, Avahi is responsible for mDNS resolution. Make sure the avahi-daemon service is running.
Windows Requires Bonjour – On Windows, mDNS resolution relies on Bonjour. If you’re using Windows, try reinstalling Bonjour to restore .local resolution.