Cannot connect Bitcoin core via Sparrow


I just setup StartOs on a Raspberry Pie. I am having a hard time getting Sparrow to connect to my Bitcoin Core RPG.

Here are the guides that I followed after getting StartOs running:

When I click “Test Connection” I get an error message (error message is below). My Bitcoin Core node says it’s still syncing, not sure if that could be the issue .

Would really appreciate any guidance to troubleshoot this further.

Could not connect:

Could not connect to Bitcoin Core RPC

Are you trying to connect via LAN (.local) or via Tor. Based on which option you choose, make sure to pay close attention to the port number and whether or not to use proxy

Thanks for the response, I tried both and went over the details several times.

How are you running StartOS? Is it possible that your client is not on the same network as your server?