Certain command to permanent/persist disabling of Wifi through SSH?

Title says it all, just got Start9 running on a laptop with a wifi card and want to disable the Wifi and have it persist between reboots. Thanks in advance!

First I’d check if wifi even works on your laptop, if the driver is available in StartOS non-free. Because it it doesn’t work, then your wifi card is defacto disabled.

Next, I believe technically anything you do to disable it at the software level isn’t permanent of entirely “safe” (I’m assuming you want to be super locked down). Each restart could re-enable and each StartOS update could too.

There are ways you could try to disable it on each boot, search the forum for chroot for example, but if you’re able to physically remove the card from the laptop (assuming it is serviceable) then that is obviously going to be the best way.

Thanks for the reply! It gives me the option to see networks when I go into the Wifi menu through the server GUI, which shows me that it should work and is radioing out for networks.

The laptop is very serviceable, I had done previous upgrades to it to make it suitable for this purpose. I had not even thought about removing the wifi card entirely, I will look into that.

I was looking to disable it at the kernel level or something like the edits to conf files I did for the lid switch. I have found different commands to issue such as rfkill, but like you said that would not necessarily persist between reboots.

Will do more digging, thank you!

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