Changing from mac interface to system76 linux system

could us some help Starting new from linux POP/os. I’ve already been running on the mac but want to change over to my new System76 machine.

You can follow the guide just select linux/debian instead of Mac when working through it

Thanks Rick. I have done most of that but when i tried to type in the commands to add my certificate to add your Start9 server’s CA certificate to the OS trust store:

cd ~/Downloads
sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/ca-certificates/start9
sudo cp “adjective-noun.crt” /usr/share/ca-certificates/start9/
sudo bash -c “echo ‘start9/adjective-noun.crt’ >> /etc/ca-certificates.conf”
sudo update-ca-certificates

In the output it should say 1 added if it was successful.

I got zero files added. Any clue as to why? I think I got success on the rest of the instructions.

did you stick with the default location “downloads” like suggested? Did you replace “adjective-noun” with your unique name in the 3rd and 4th commands? if so, it should work fine with pop os. I have a system 76 too, but I installed ubuntu and it worked fine. As far as I know popos should also work.

yes, i did all of that including the quotation marks. and my crt file is in my downloads folder (I used a thumb drive and copied over from the mac.

the latest response i get is:
Updating certificates in /etc/ssl/certs…
0 added, 0 removed; done/
Running hooks in /etc/ca-certifications/update.d…

Is it okay to send a screen shot? not sure of the protocol

You can put screen shots. just be sure to blur out any sensitive info. You should see 1 added when it installs successfully.

try running command ls -l /etc/ssl/certs
to see a list

here it is

any critique is appreciated.

Strange. What does

ls -l /etc/ssl/certs


it lists about a hundred certs. however there is this one followed by my noun-verb.cert phrase

It looks like it might have gotten added on one of your attempts and is now not showing the 1 because it is already there. Try proceeding with the next steps in the manual to see if it is indeed present

will do, I think I’ve already gone through the steps but had issues with the last part about setting something with Chrome (I use Brave but downloaded Chrome just for this…am trying to keep google off of this machine.

thanks so far. i will go to the next step and start over

Recvd an email from Stuart with some further suggestions. Along with what Rick has advised, I can now log into Start OS and see my server and apps. Thank you guys immensely. Closing out.

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