Computer won’t connect to Start9 one anymore

Computer did connect to Start 9 one after initial setup, but does not now. Just get “ this site can’t be reached” notification

Hi, have you tried a hard reset of your browser?

Hold down the Ctrl key and press F5.
Alternatively, you can also use Ctrl+Shift+R to perform a hard refresh.

Mac OS X:
You can use Command+Shift+R to perform a hard refresh.

Hold down the Ctrl key and press F5.
Alternatively, you can use Ctrl+Shift+R to perform a hard refresh.

Thanks, figured it out, just needed to reset IP address


Glad you sorted it out. :mechanical_arm:

Tried update of btc core and now Start 9 one isn’t running btc core anymore. Are these updates really necessary? Every time I do one the system crashes. Any suggestions on how to get btc core running again?

If Bitcoin Core is stuck in a “Stopping…” state, you’ll need to restart the server from System->Restart Server

If you’re not using Bitcoin Core for any other service running on the server (e.g. LND) then no, you don’t technically need to update Bitcoin, lots of people are running older versions and it’ll be fine for connecting external wallets to for quite some time. But if you are running services that need to be updated for some reason that depend on Bitcoin Core, then you may need to update Bitcoin Core on occasion.