Hi John. We’ll get to setup here. Since it’s a desktop, that remains on your LAN, connecting to Bitcoin Core RPC will provide the best performance. The guide you pointed to assumes that you’ve already completed the device setup here:
Verify for me that this has been completed on the Ubuntu Desktop. These steps need to be done on every device that will access services on your StartOS server.
Yes I did the trust-ca steps in the terminal and browser (Brave) At that point I was able to connect from my Ubuntu desktop browser to my https://random-hazards.local and installed the bitcoin core service and the electrs service.
I also did the setup so that I can sucessfully shell into start9@random-hazards.local as well.
I don’t really know anythihng about TOR though, so I am focusing on the RPC approaches for now.
Ok, MY BAD. I thought I could make at least some calls prior to the completion of the sync.
I will wait for the sync (“IBD”) to complete and then proceed.
Sorry for the diversion. Cheers, John
“The node does not need to be fully synced with the network to make RPC calls. However, the node must be out of the initial block download (IBD) phase to ensure that it can respond to queries accurately.”
Running the Sparrow version that’s packaged for start9 won’t allow you to connect anything using USB ports (ledger) if that’s the kind of connection you’re talking about. It might also be the case for how you’re trying to connect to Bitcoin Core. Since Sparrow is running in VNC it’s not honoring the hardware devices through the Remote Desktop connection. I ran into the same thing, if you install Sparrow on another device and point it at your Start9 Server you’ll have no issues.
Thank you for your interest. I was referring to connecting to the BTC core RPC from sparrow on another machine on my lan. No VNC involved. The problem was just that I had not waited until the core IBD to complete.