Core lighting- lighting- CLI

Hi, since I couldn’t find any GUI for more advanced control of the “core lighting” service, e.g. “batch control of channels in one trasaction”, I tried to use the lighting-CLI, unfortunately I couldn’t get it to run at all, and the standard commands lighting- cli doesn’t work.

Am I doing something wrong, or is this option limited in eOS?
I connected via ssh to Start9 in ubuntu terminal.

Then I followed this guide:

Only replaced “embassy-cli” with “start-cli” and logged in directly to start-cli.
Is there any way to use lighting-cli?


Hi Ostravskiiii
Looks like you are looking at 0.3.4.x version of our docs that are outdated.
You should switch to 0.3.5.x.
Saying that you should be able to use lightining-cli using this command:

sudo podman exec -it c-lightning.embassy bin/bash

and then for example

lightning-cli getinfo

you can also combine them like this

sudo podman exec -it c-lightning.embassy lightning-cli getinfo

I hope this helps!

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Great, it works. I found the current tutorials.

Lightning Response👍

Thanks to

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