Hello, I am using the latest version of the Core Lightning service, and it has worked on the past (both sending and receiving). For the last couple of weeks or so, however, I have been unable to send to any invoice, even small amounts. I have active channels and plenty of outbound liquidity.
The send always runs out of routes after a few dozen attempts of so, the payment deadline expires, and it stops retrying. I’ve tried opening new channels with multiple popular nodes (Boltz, Voltage, ACINQ, 1ML, etc), closing channels and opening new ones, and deleting the gossip store. Nothing seems to get it into a state where I can send.
The log shows lots of errors like: (not sure if these are relevant, or expecting in normal operation)
htlc XX failed from Xth node with code 0x1007 (WIRE_TEMPORARY_CHANNEL_FAILURE)
BROKEN plugin-topology: DEPRECATED API USED: listchannels.include_private by "pay:listchannels#XXX/cln:listchannels#XXXX"
My next step will probably be to close all channels and clear the balance, so that I can do a full uninstall and reinstall of the service from scratch, but thought I’d see if anyone has some less drastic things I might test, or if anyone has encountered this before.
Sorry to hear you’re running into this issue, and thanks for the detailed info! Looks like its a known issue and fix is incoming , and it seems like it’s a known problem that will likely be fixed in an upcoming version. I would advice to wait before nuking your CLN.
I am having a similar issue. Core Lightning is failing to send. I just setup the node yesterday and am running version I am not seeing the listchannls error that paulscode is seeing. I have a channel open with bolz and in my last attempt I see:
2024-10-21T08:02:54-04:00 2024-10-21T12:02:54.883Z INFO 026165850492521f4ac8abd9bd8088123446d126f648ca35e60f88177dc149ceb2-chan#2: htlc 11 failed from 1th node with code 0x1007 (WIRE_TEMPORARY_CHANNEL_FAILURE)
2024-10-21T08:03:49-04:00 2024-10-21T12:03:49.210Z INFO plugin-clnrest: RPC Error: {'code': 210, 'message': 'Ran out of routes to try after 8 attempts: see `paystatus`', 'attempts': [{'status': 'failed', 'failreason': 'failed: WIRE_TEMPORARY_CHANNEL_FAILURE (reply from remote)', 'partid': 0, 'amount_msat': 10000000}, {'status': 'failed', 'failreason': 'failed: WIRE_TEMPORARY_CHANNEL_FAILURE (reply from remote)', 'partid': 1, 'amount_msat': 10000000, 'parent_partid': 0}, {'status': 'failed', 'failreason': 'failed: WIRE_TEMPORARY_CHANNEL_FAILURE (reply from remote)', 'partid': 2, 'amount_msat': 10000000, 'parent_partid': 1}, {'status': 'failed', 'failreason': 'failed: WIRE_TEMPORARY_CHANNEL_FAILURE (reply from remote)', 'partid': 3, 'amount_msat': 10000000, 'parent_partid': 2}, {'status': 'failed', 'failreason': 'failed: WIRE_TEMPORARY_CHANNEL_FAILURE (reply from remote)', 'partid': 4, 'amount_msat': 10000000, 'parent_partid': 3}, {'status': 'failed', 'failreason': 'failed: WIRE_TEMPORARY_CHANNEL_FAILURE (reply from remote)', 'partid': 5, 'amount_msat': 10000000, 'parent_partid': 4}, {'status': 'failed', 'failreason': 'failed: WIRE_TEMPORARY_CHANNEL_FAILURE (reply from remote)', 'partid': 6, 'amount_msat': 10000000, 'parent_partid': 5}, {'status': 'failed', 'failreason': 'failed: WIRE_TEMPORARY_CHANNEL_FAILURE (reply from remote)', 'partid': 7, 'amount_msat': 10000000, 'parent_partid': 6}]}
Sadly, I am also still not able to send even after updating to 24.08.1. The update resolved the deprecated API used message, but that doesn’t seem to have been the cause. I’m still consistently getting the code 0x1007 (WIRE_TEMPORARY_CHANNEL_FAILURE) in the logs and eventually runs out of routes to try, payment deadline expires, and it stops retrying.
Good catch. By chance, I had closed all of my channels except for Boltz prior to upgrading to 24.08.1 while trying different combinations of channels with different nodes. After reading your comment, I closed my channel with Boltz and opened one with Voltage, and I am able to successfully send payments now.
TLDR; Upgrade to 24.08.1 to fix DEPRECATED API error, and open a channel with a node which routes payments.
Thanks for linking that. It led me to this issue, which is still open (based on dates in the conversation, I suspect 24.08.2 doesn’t actually resolve it, sadly). This is a long-standing issue (last working version supposedly being 23.11.2 from last December, based on the conversation), so it must be intermittent enough not to be reported very frequently, given that me posting this thread didn’t trigger an instant link to the Github issue
I have had some success getting payments to work with cli and using the renepay plugin available in CLN. Can anyone provide hints how I can install a plugin in the c-lightning.emabassy container which makes renepay the default pay method.
There is probably an easier process, but one potential option would be to fork the project and build a custom s9pk. You’d need to edite the Dockerfile to copy over the renepay Python file and give it execute permission. Then you’d either update the lightningd call or add an additional lightning-cli call (depending on how that plugin is loaded)
Closing all channels and starting from scratch did not resolve the issue. After that, I started with only one channel with Boltz, and it was having the same error in the logs. After closing that one channel, and opening channels with other nodes (initially ACINQ, and since a number of others) I have not seen the issue. That said, I use this node now only for mining on Ocean and the occasional Robosats purchase. Most of my Lightning usage I have moved to LND and various services integrated with it. LND has been considerably more reliable that Core Lightning in my experience, and after moving away from only interacting with it via the atrocious Ride the Lightning interface, I’ve found the inferior user experience compared to Core Lightning to be acceptable.