Do you lose your lightning channels if you reflash Start OS

I am getting the white screen when try to log on to my custom-address.local. ive seen a topic in the forum about this and it was solved by reflashing StartOS.

Before I do this, i am concerned i may lose my LND channel states. Would I be able to recover my channels and funds if i reflash? Would my custom-addreess.local change?

Good day,

You would typically not start at reflashing the OS as there are many simpler steps you can troubleshoot before going that route. Here is a link to the section in our Common Issues dealing with not being able to connect to your .local address.

It would be worth going through this guide first.

Thank you. I downloaded firefox beta and followed the instructions and that worked. I am able to access the server now through firefox beta but not through my other browser, Vanadium. Will look into it further to see if i can troubleshoot that.