Download fail of custom address

  1. What EXACTLY is happening?

Recently purchased HP Elitedesk, during initial set-up downloaded the Custom address followed by succesful download and trust of Root CA.

When attempting to navigate to custom address.local, realised the address txt file failed to download with 0 mb and nothing contained in the file when opened (as in blank).

The txt file name is a string of letters and numbers, should I to use this as my custom address? If not, any advice on where to go next?

  1. What version of StartOS and/or the service in question are you using?

Assuming latest version.

  1. What hardware are you using?

HP EliteDesk

  1. If potentially a networking issue, what is your networking setup?


Thanks in advance for any or advice!!

Please help me better understand the issue you are experiencing. How far in this guide did you make it? Which step did things go awry?

If you’ve lost access to the .local address, you can search your network for the IP address (if you can access your router, that’s easiest), and then visit https://ipaddress to get logged in. Then get your addresses from System → About and bookmark them. You can also find .local addresses from your client, if you want to let me know what your OS is.

Thank you for the reply. I have livst access to my .local address.

I’ve found the IP address (angry IP scan), have visted, but unsure how to log-in from there (not very texhnical sorry)? Do I look up the IP address? Reverse search? Any advice welcome.

On the other way, I’m using Calyx OS (Android) as my client.

Thanks in advance.

Update: solved! IP address into browser was all it took. Simple once you know how…

Thanks all.