Electrs Config will not save

Hello friends. I have just setup my new Server One, and have Bitcoin Core installed and running ok (green light). After installing Electrs, I clicked on the Config button. It brought up two options, which I completed and hit “Save”. Then I get the spinning purple circle until it gives me “Gateway Timeout”. After that, I tried Config again (either the Yellow Button or the menu item below) and it will not even bring up the option window for entries. I just get spinning circle until is times out. On the main services screen it shows that I’m “Connected” (with green highlight), and I can see the other menu choices. I would greatly appreciate some suggestions about how to proceed. Please forgive my ignorance. I’m very new in this realm. Thanks in advance.

Once you get the “Gateway Timeout” error, you mention that you can go back to the main Server UI and everything is working correctly?

Depending on how long ago you installed Bitcoin Core and if it has synced the whole Blockchain or not, then electrs will not function correctly.

Is any other service giving you any other errors? If not then you could try to restart electrs and if that does not do the trick then open up the electrs service logs and look for any specific errors that come up.

I have nothing else installed except for Bitcoin Core and Electrs. So I’m uncertain about what else is or is not working correctly. I have not seen other error messages, or indications of trouble. I installed Bitcoin Core about a week ago, which took about a day to fully download the blockchain data. Since then it seems to have been running with no problem. Yesterday, I installed Electrs and came back today to try the config and learn more about it. That’s when this trouble began. I’d like to try re-starting Electrs, but I don’t know how because I did not see that listed in its submenus. Please tell me how to do it. Thanks,

Is bitcoin core fully synced and are all your health checks green. Are you trying to connect a wallet to electrs

Yes, under Bitcoin Core, the two health checks listed (“RPC” and “Synched”) are green. I have not tried to connect a wallet yet. Just going one step at a time. Thanks,

Supplemental note: Under Bitcoin Core, I see two buttons labeled “Stop” and “Restart”. But under Electrs, those buttons do not appear. Only the yellow “Configure” button appears. So apparently I need to configure Electrs, before I can restart it. Or am I missing something?

Correct. You have to configure electrs before you can start it.

Unfortunately, the configuration hangs up and never completes. I think I need to delete the app/service and re-install it. How do I remove it? Or do I need to remove it, before trying to install it again? I tried using the Action menu item for Uninstall and that hung up too. I seem to be stuck. Any thoughts?

From some of your comments, I’m doubting you’re connected to your server at all. Any kind of “Gateway Timeout” means that there’s no successful communication between you and your server, which means the buttons on the screen point nowhere and do nothing. Anything you’re clicking around and seeing is just you interacting with a headless interface. The thing is, if this were the case, the bottom left of the screen should also show a yellow “Connecting…” status , but you don’t seem to mention that.

A hard refresh might be all you need…

Ctrl + Shift + R (Win/Lin)
Cmd + Shift + R (Mac)

Yes, I’m concerned about the communication with the server. It often takes a while “Connecting…”, but then it does go green after a while. I have tried the hard refresh that you mentioned but it seems to have no effect. BTW, I’ve been trying this using both Safari and DuckDuckGo browsers. Also I’ve tried switching off my VPN. None of those variations seems to matter. Still looking for what is wrong. :frowning:

I meant to ask this too: Is there a preferred browser to interface with the server? Or should any browser work? Thanks,

Any browser correctly set up is able to access your server, but as per the guides, we recommended Firefox.

If it’s green and connected that means you have a connection initially, and should this be stable, the interface should be able to communicate with the server. Any gateway timeouts after that suggest that something is interfering with your connection.

There’s no version of events that I’m aware of where you could click the config button, but if that does happen, that would be a case of an in-browser client side error - perhaps a plugin or security tool interfering with JavaScript on the page.

My next suggestion for you would be to…

  • Restart server, client and router (hopefully solve any networking issues)
  • Switch to another browser (not because its better, but because it won’t have whatever is interfereing) and switch to another device (set up your phone if need be) or even try accessing the StartOS UI via your Tor and Tor Browser (the ultimate test).

Thanks for that clarification. I was able to go to another MacBook I own, and log in to the server. On that Mac, things seem to work. I went to Electrs, did the config step and it is now synching. So clearly you are right; it was my browser interface. I am baffled as to what is wrong. But it must be as you said, something like a plug-in or security setting is messing with it. I can get Firefox, and I have installed Tor, though have not used it much. I’ll give them a try and see. Appreciate the suggestions & info.