Error Log Initiating electrs Service

Here is the log I am getting. Initiating electrs to the full node repeatedly fails. Any tips? All settings for configuration of the node including password are set to default. Thanks.

electrs log

2024-02-12T02:50:54-07:00 Starting electrs 0.10.2 on x86_64 linux with Config { network: Bitcoin, db_path: “./db/bitcoin”, db_log_dir: None, daemon_dir: “/root/.bitcoin”, daemon_auth: UserPass(“bitcoin”, “”), daemon_rpc_addr:, daemon_p2p_addr:, electrum_rpc_addr:, monitoring_addr:, wait_duration: 10s, jsonrpc_timeout: 15s, index_batch_size: 10, index_lookup_limit: None, reindex_last_blocks: 0, auto_reindex: true, ignore_mempool: false, sync_once: false, skip_block_download_wait: false, disable_electrum_rpc: false, server_banner: “Welcome to electrs 0.10.2 (Electrum Rust Server)!”, signet_magic: f9beb4d9, args: }
2024-02-12T02:50:54-07:00 [2024-02-12T09:50:54.341Z INFO electrs::metrics::metrics_impl] serving Prometheus metrics on
2024-02-12T02:50:54-07:00 [2024-02-12T09:50:54.341Z INFO electrs::server] serving Electrum RPC on
2024-02-12T02:50:54-07:00 [2024-02-12T09:50:54.412Z INFO electrs::db] “./db/bitcoin”: 63 SST files, 0.000064301 GB, 0.000000021 Grows
2024-02-12T02:50:54-07:00 [2024-02-12T09:50:54.667Z INFO electrs::db] closing DB at ./db/bitcoin
2024-02-12T02:50:54-07:00 Error: electrs failed
2024-02-12T02:50:54-07:00 Caused by:
2024-02-12T02:50:54-07:00 0: bitcoind RPC polling failed
2024-02-12T02:50:54-07:00 1: daemon not available
2024-02-12T02:50:54-07:00 2: JSON-RPC error: transport error: unexpected HTTP code: 401

bitcoin core log

2024-02-12T02:53:05-07:00 2024-02-12T09:53:05Z ThreadRPCServer incorrect password attempt from

Is your Bitcoin Core fully synced with all green health checks?

Copy that yes sir. It is accepting incoming peer connections and cranking away.

Go to Services > electrs > Config > Save

That should reset the password it’s attempting to use to authenticate to the Bitcoin Core RPC.

1 Like

You sir are awesome. Thank you. It is syncing.

Logs are normal now. No error. Thanks man.

Shoot I spoke too soon.

ThreadRPCServer incorrect password attempt from
2024-02-17T02:26:43-07:00 2024-02-17T09:26:43Z ThreadRPCServer incorrect password attempt from
2024-02-17T02:27:13-07:00 2024-02-17T09:27:13Z ThreadRPCServer incorrect password attempt from
2024-02-17T02:27:14-07:00 2024-02-17T09:27:14Z ThreadRPCServer incorrect password attempt from
2024-02-17T02:27:14-07:00 2024-02-17T09:27:14Z ThreadRPCServer incorrect password attempt from
2024-02-17T02:27:38-07:00 2024-02-17T09:27:38Z ThreadRPCServer incorrect password attempt from
2024-02-17T02:27:38-07:00 2024-02-17T09:27:38Z ThreadRPCServer incorrect password attempt from

Figured it out. Had to do a similar config/save on Mempool service. After stopping and restarting it. Mempool sync was hung. Thanks.