Hello, I had trouble connecting to start.local on initial setup. I tried Brave, Mullvad (laptop), Brave, Safari (iPhone), and finally Safari connected to the server. I created my password, but then the connection timed out. I cannot connect to start.local anymore. I understand there’s a new URL I need to use. I am looking for the downloaded folder that has my Start9 custom local URL. Should the download have happened automatically on my iphone device? Can I find my custom local URL somewhere else? Thank you.
Do you access to your router interface where you can see IP addresses of devices on your network. You can reach your server with an IP address too and download your root CA from there and follow these guides very closely
If you don’t know the IP address to your routers interface you can use a terminal to find it.
- on Mac use command:
netstat -rn | grep default
- On Windows use command:
You will likely need to know your admin password for your router. But once you are in there you can see all connected devices to your LAN.
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