Flashed USB with StartOS "unmountable" on MacBook?

Bummer - was hoping to repurpose my macbook here - thanks for the response. Maybe Start9Dave can help?

Wiping the drive manually is going to be foolproof. You just have to get a hold of the silly screwdrivers. It wouldn’t be a terrible plan in your case, as from your other post I see you might want to swap out that 1TB drive for a >=2TB one.

Thanks!! - ordered the screw driver :-). Now need to find a 2TB replacement drive.

The Fusion Drive is the issue ? I’m having the same issue If we install an ssd it should work ?

A fusion drive is not much more than an old spinning disk with a flash drive taped to it. Even if you could get it to work, it’ll be pretty much useless and too slow.

Do you plan to provide support for 4k native boot drives in v0.3.6 installer?
Btw, this one is often the reason why folks are getting “RPC ERROR: Disk Management Error mkfs.vfat: unable to open /dev/nvme0n1p1: No such file or directory” error…poor installation script that does not bother to check if the disk is set to 4096 LBA format and jump on partitioning it and vfat formatting it while assuming 512-byte sector…only to fail miserably when trying to read back from the vfat… Going to 4KB physical sectors allows you to increase storage density. Linux has support for 4 KiB logical sector before we have BTC, so don’t be hesitent to add 4Kn support to your installer. Cheers.

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