From LN node operator diary

So here’s a story for the ages. I was wrestling with my Bisq-StartOS, constantly getting “DAO not synced” errors. Finally, I decided to pull the plug, withdraw my funds, and nuke it. In my haste, I sent the funds to my CLN node on-chain wallet without a second thought.

I made the transaction and got back to reviving Bisq. Later, I checked CLN and saw all the funds were gone. Cue the “Oh no, I’ve been hacked” panic. But then, I remembered I had turned on CLBOSS to test it out. LoL. Turns out, it’s working perfectly—it used the funds right away to open channels. Crisis averted, and lesson learned!

So there you have it. Always double-check your settings and don’t underestimate the automation you’ve set up. It’s a wild ride, but hey, that’s life in the tech lane!


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