Help w/ Migrating Umbrel to Start9

Howdy, folks. New member here, trying to migrate from Umbrel and need some help.

Back story: I was running Umbrel on two sets of identical hardware (Pi5 8GB, Geekworm 1002 NVMe board, WD SN770 2TB) and it was OK until I tried to activate WiFi on each. Not only did that change fail, but now I am unable to access either Pi, even booting from an mSD using bookworm. It seems there is no ethernet connection because there is no IP shown in the router table or on my Android phone using an ip ‘sniffer’.

Since then, I’ve become aware there are some architectural differences between Start9 and Umbrel (though they’re above my head) and I’d like to see if I can ask for some help here to get me out of the woods and running with Start9. I realize it’s an odd request to ask for help regarding a competitive platform, but the ‘warnings’ I’ve seen about Umbrel have become abundantly clear. Time to move to a new platform.

Hoping someone can lend a hand. Thanks in advance.

I’m not sure I quite understand. Are you saying you’ve borked an Umbrel installation and would like help repairing it?

This is a Wendy’s, sir.

StartOS currently doesn’t have a build that runs on Pi5… we’re probably going to make one at some point, but it’s a low priority to create custom builds for hardware that is underpowered and probably not the best value (when compared to a mini pc of the same price). So I can’t exactly recommend installing StartOS as a means to attempt a fix either.

No. I’m saying that Umbrel borked itself and my Pi’s and I was asking for help to get the Pi’s sorted so I could install Start9. I was under the impression that there was a Pi image - see below for the link.

At the least, it’d be nice to have two working Pi’s again. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Unfortunately that Pi image is specific to the Pi4, we’re likely to get to a Pi5 build after the v0.3.6 release.

Well, I’ll be buggered. Looks like I’ll have to wait it out. Thanks for the correction.