Help with using the Linux webtop

Hey guys. To start, I’m a complete Linux noob. I’m running a webtop version of Linux via my Start9 server. As I want to be able to have a wallet open and running 24/7 for staking Zano. I downloaded the appimage on the webtop and for the life of me, I cannot figure out how to open it. I watched some Youtube videos and nothing. I’ve opened up the properties and checked “allow this file to run as a program.” Nothing. I would apprecite any guidance. Thank you very much

Rick, Thanks for the reply but i honestly have no idea what you are talking about. I’m running Server Pure 4TB purchaced in May '24. I have Gigabit Fiber with insane speed. My server is connected via LAN. Speed is not an issue at all. Maybe I dis not articulate my question well. Though I do appreciate your response.

So with that out of the way. What I am trying to do is use the Linux Webtop app that is in the community registry via my Server Pure. The “app” is downloaded and i open the web UI. Looks like another desktop environment but I com from Mac so not familiar with all the ins and outs. There is a firefox browser preinstalled. I navigate to the page to download the appimage file and it dowloads to the linux webtop. But now i need to open this file so the program installs. Just like Mac or PC. But I am unable to open the file.Same with Tor browser and Brave. it seems that there must be an unpackaging program or something. All three of the items i have downloaded are legit and straight from the devs.

I understand that since the webtop app is in the Community registry you guys cant give full support. But this is basially a question about Linux. I know there must be smart people here that can answer this question. Which is…

How in the heck can i open an appimage file of any other file on the Webtop so that it installs? Is there a unpackaging app or an unarchiver?

1 is an appimage file
2 is a tar.xz file

So at the end of the day this is mainly a Linux question from a linux noob. I’ve seached the net and watched a few Youtube videos but i’m not seeming to find the answer to this seemly easy question. Youtube said right click on the download, go to properties, then permissions and check “allow this file to run as a program” for an appimage file. Then you should ne able to execute it…

Thank you and I look forward to some guidance

Sorry I posted that in the wrong place. It was meant for another issue on the forum. I will delete here and post it over there. We’ll take a look and see if we can provide any assistance on the webtop issue

Thank you Rick. No worries

No worries, we alll start as beginners. The Webtop service for StartOS does let you run linux commands but if what you want is to run the Zano app you really want someone to package it as a service (like Monero was) so you can just run it.

For more help on how to install an appimage on linux servers you should probably start w/straight Linux tutorials first before worrying about complications when running on StartOS. While it is your server and you can do whatever you want, StartOS was designed to optimize for users to leverage services packaged for StartOS, not trying to build / install from scratch directly on the underlying Linux.

Jesse. Thank you for the response. Being a linux noob, I made the assumption that i would be able to run that package on the webtop. Only because the Zano protocal requires the computer to be on and the wallet open at all times for the staking. Which unfortunately isn’t super convenient when all i have is my Mac laptop.though you can GPU mine with windows. I think it’s time for me to get a secondary laptop that is not a mac. haha

And i totally get and understand that optimally get said packages via the Start9/Community registry. I love my Server Pure. It’s opened up an entire new world for me and other ways to interact with my BTC and understanding of it. Even though I have had my BTC since 2013. Running your own node is awesome and gives you just a little extra privacy. I run a monero node too via the Server Pure too.

I will take some Linux lessons and educate myself. I can copy/paste in terminal and have ran master nodes in the past with a VPS but don’t know much other than that. So when I installed the webtop via the Community registry, it just looks like any other UI homescreen for the most part. So I first tried to download the Tor browser just to see. And I cant open/unpack the darn thing. I’ve watched videos and read a bit but most of the info was directed to line command. And since I already have Tor on my Mac, I kind of checked out. Anyway, thank you!! Keep up the great work. Units like these really help the “average” person again the ability to bring their BTC/crypto to the next level all while contributing to the strenth of the network. Thanks again!

One last thing Jesse. I talk to the Zano devs on Telegram and there is a “complaint” in the community about the staking process with the requirement of the wallet needing to be running 24/7 and how that discourages staking for most people. I would love them to develop a package for the Start9 ecosystem. I’ve mentioned to them about you guys and how Monero is on there. How could I direct them to you guys other than just sending the link to the homepage? I’m not looking to be involved but only to point them in the right direction. Thanks again

You can point them to the developer documentation: Start9 | Developer Docs

The new version packaging process will be new and improved but the above will give them the idea of what packaging for StartOS is about.

Start9 also has a matrix channel for developers doing service packaging that they could join:

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Thanks Jesse! I will point them in that direction. I super appreciate. Wishing you all the best in the New Year!