How much capacity should backup drive have relative to storage drive?

If I’ve understand correctly that a drive used for backing up StartOS can only serve that single function, I’d like to buy a backup drive that is as small as possible. My StartOS storage drive is 2TB. Will a 2TB backup drive be sufficient, even if I max out the StartOS storage drive, or some amount of buffer required - and if so, how much?

Thanks for the amazing product!

A 2TB drive will be more than enough for backups.

Keep in mind that if you are running Bitcoin Core, the Blockchain data is not part of the backup.


Thank you for your response, Alvaro. I’m mainly running Nextcloud on my server, and am not running any bitcoin-related apps. I’ll be good to go with a 2TB backup drive even if I get close to maxing out the storage drive with files on nextcloud?

Thanks again.

For hefty file storage folk… you need a backup drive the size of your total… or better… your expected total storage needs. And better yet, a bit bigger because of how the backup process currently works.

If you have 4TB of files on a Server Pure for example… you’re going to want something more than 4TB.

If you have 2TB of files and you expect to have 1TB more with time, then a 4TB is fine.

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