If I’ve understand correctly that a drive used for backing up StartOS can only serve that single function, I’d like to buy a backup drive that is as small as possible. My StartOS storage drive is 2TB. Will a 2TB backup drive be sufficient, even if I max out the StartOS storage drive, or some amount of buffer required - and if so, how much?
Thank you for your response, Alvaro. I’m mainly running Nextcloud on my server, and am not running any bitcoin-related apps. I’ll be good to go with a 2TB backup drive even if I get close to maxing out the storage drive with files on nextcloud?
For hefty file storage folk… you need a backup drive the size of your total… or better… your expected total storage needs. And better yet, a bit bigger because of how the backup process currently works.
If you have 4TB of files on a Server Pure for example… you’re going to want something more than 4TB.
If you have 2TB of files and you expect to have 1TB more with time, then a 4TB is fine.