I’m on a university campus, set up StartOS on a laptop and need to connect to eduroam, which is a university wifi network that requires both a username and password. Since connecting to wifi on StartOS only provides a password field, is there any way I can make this work?
Our usual recommendation is alway to use a StartOS server with an Ethernet connection. In your case this might not be possible.
You might want to try some kind of extender or access point that plugs in to your device via an ethernet cable, just that the external device acts as something of a switch.
As far as your server is concerned, it should only see a wired ethernet cable.
You might want to ask other students on campus, maybe computer science students if they know some workaround to that particular network setup.
I’ve had some success connecting to my university’s open wifi network after registering my MAC address with their registration system. The problem is start9 has “802-11-wireless.mac-address-randomization” enabled and no easy way to disable. All my efforts so far are unsuccessful. I’ve tried adding…
to /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf
and /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/disable-mac-randomization.conf
I created /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf and added…