How to simply transfer bitcoin core full node blocks and chain from mac over to new start9 server?

Hi all,

Just started up a start9 server. Installed bitcoin core but have not configured yet.

I have a bitcoin core full node on a mac that’s up to date. What’s the best way to transfer it over? Limited terminal experience. Just want to simply copy it over without downloading the blockchain again.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

You can find a guide for copying data from one Start9 server to another in our docs, and you should be able to simply adapt the directions to your Mac.

I’m moving this to the DIY topic.

Hi Dave.

That’s what I attempted but stuck at this point:

cd /embassy-data/package-data/volumes/bitcoind/data/main/
rsync -e "ssh -i ~/.ssh/example-b.key" -povgr --append-verify --rsync-path="sudo mkdir -p /embassy-data/package-data/volumes/bitcoind/data/main ; sudo rsync" ./{blocks,chainstate} start9@example-B.local:/embassy-data/package-data/volumes/bitcoind/data/main/

Currently my bitcoin folder is on an external drive on my mac at ‘/volume/drive/bitcoin/’.

Would rsync then look like this?

rsync -e "ssh -i ~/.ssh/example-b.key" -povgr --append-verify --rsync-path="sudo mkdir -p /volume/drive/bitcoin ; sudo rsync" ./{blocks,chainstate} start9@example-B.local:/embassy-data/package-data/volumes/bitcoind/data/main/

Another issue I’m getting is a bit confusing.

I’m being asked with SSH’ing to input the password for some commands.

start9@example-B.local's password:

I’ve tried the main system password and also the SSH passphrase. Neither work. Not sure what I’m missing or forgetting?

You are replacing “example-B” everywhere it appears with your actual unique address as the guide states, correct? This will not work if you are using “example-B” as your hostname.