Internal Drive not recognized for backup

My Start9 server has an additional SSD hard disk. I have formatted the hard disk (EXT4) and mounted it on /DEF/BACKUP. I can find the hard disk in the terminal and can also create directories. My problem now is that I cannot select the hard disk in the “Backup” area. I have configured it under “sudo nano /etc/fstab” and restarted it. It did not work. Does anyone have an idea how to solve this?

StartOS at this time is not designed for using an internal drive for backups. If you take a look at the backup guide, you will either have to use an SSD connected over USB or set up a Network folder where you can create backups on any device connected to your network.
More backup options will become available in future OS updates.

Hi thanks for the info.

Strangely enough, my main ssd hard disk is offered for selection. However, I can’t make any backups there because of the format.

Will a usb stick work, or does it have to be a hard disk?

USB sticks are usually not recommended since they are known to have reliability issues. A SSD connected over USB from a reputable manufacturer should work just fine.
Keep in mind that reliability is not something you want to play around with when it comes to your backups.