Issue : Knots -Datum & Electrs


Initially had Bitcoin Core running and then switched to Knots to run Datum but am stuck here-

Trying to setup Datum. Have Knots running, Datum log shows the following:

“Error: The blocknotify field is null or not set in Bitcoin’s configuration. Your Start9 Bitcoin package may not support adding this. Knots is required”

Under Knots - Advanced - Block Notify " curl -s -m5 http://datum.embassy:7152/NOTIFY" as was auto recommend during setup.

Electrs stopped working, it switched between “starting” and “running”, log shows:
bitcoind RPC polling failed, daemon not available, JSON-RPC error: unexpected HTTP code: 401

LND is also unable to start.

Seems need to redirect the RPC?

Thanks in advance

install of bitcoind@27.1.0 Failed: Config Generation Error: No Match: blkconstr: Field is Not Nullable

Found Dev tool options and reinstalled all services, and seems to be working now.

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