Lncli wallet bumpfee


I would like to raise the fee when closing the channel (I got stuck with a small fee).

I wanted to use “lncli wallet bumpfee”
lncli wallet bumpfee --sat_per_byte 50 < Transaction ID>:0

I got this result:
[lncli] rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = connection error: desc = “transport: Error while dialing dial tcp connect: connection refused”

How can i do it correctly?

maybe this will help

The error message you received indicates that there was a connection issue with the LNCLI command. The “connection refused” error typically occurs when the command cannot establish a connection to the specified address.

To resolve this issue, make sure that your Lightning Network node (such as LND) is running and accessible. Here are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve the problem:

Verify that your Lightning Network node is running: Ensure that your Lightning Network node software (e.g., LND) is running and properly configured. You can check the status of your node by running the appropriate command for your setup.

Check the connection details: Confirm that you are using the correct host and port for your LNCLI command. The default host is usually (localhost), and the default port is typically 10009. If you have customized your setup, make sure to use the correct host and port values.

Verify that LNCLI is installed and accessible: Ensure that the lncli command is installed and available in your command-line environment. You can try running lncli without any arguments to see if it displays the command usage information.

Check if the gRPC interface is enabled: Verify that the gRPC interface is enabled and properly configured in your Lightning Network node. The gRPC interface allows external tools like LNCLI to interact with the node. Check your node’s configuration files or documentation for instructions on enabling the gRPC interface.

Confirm the connection settings: If you have customized the connection settings for LNCLI, double-check that you are using the correct parameters for your setup. This includes the TLS certificate, macaroon file, and any authentication credentials required to connect to your Lightning Network node.

By following these steps, you should be able to diagnose and resolve the connection issue with LNCLI. If the problem persists, it may be helpful to consult the documentation or support channels specific to your Lightning Network implementation for further assistance.

BTW You will run CLN and you will be happy. I am switching to CLN at the moment.

Check the connection details: Confirm that you are using the correct host and port for your LNCLI command. The default host is usually (localhost), and the default port is typically 10009. If you have customized your setup, make sure to use the correct host and port values.

I didn’t change anything, this is the default installation of LND using the StartOS panel. Everything works and I can use LND.

transport: Error while dialing dial tcp connect: connection refused

Verify that LNCLI is installed and accessible: Ensure that the lncli command is installed and available in your command-line environment. You can try running lncli without any arguments to see if it displays the command usage information.

As far as I know, LND is installed in containers. I have to use a command starting with:
sudo docker exec lnd.embassy?
I am at the stage of learning how to use StratOS, how it works, etc.

Check if the gRPC interface is enabled

Confirm the connection settings: If you have customized the connection settings for LNCLI, double-check that you are using the correct parameters for your setup. This includes the TLS certificate, macaroon file, and any authentication credentials required to connect to your Lightning Network node.

It was the default installation of the system, I did not change anything in the system settings.

BTW You will run CLN and you will be happy. I am switching to CLN at the moment.

I’m in the transition from LND to CLN right now. I closed most of the channels in LND but for some reason it gave me a small fee and two channels are hanging open with an unconfirmed closing transaction.

Hey there - I have the same issue!
Closing channel with LND used too low fee and is stuck now.
Also installed LND from the Start9 Registry. How do I start the LNCLI?

How do I do this? Would be thankful for any support :slight_smile:

to use lncli command you need to do like this

sudo docker exec -it lnd.embassy lncli --rpcserver lnd.embassy:10009

I hope this help

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Thanks, I can use lncli but also get same error as GregAsks - "transport: Error while dialing dial tcp connect: connection refused“

How did you fix this?

If I understand what you are trying to do here then unfortunately it is not going to work. StartOS currently does not expose ports. This will be possible with version 040, along with many other networking options. No ETA at this time, but please stay tuned to our community channels for updates.

You can try to use this command when ssh in startOS:

sudo docker exec -it lnd.embassy lncli --rpcserver=lnd.embassy wallet bumpfee -h

Should take you to bumpfee help. You have to figure out what option to use and outpoint. Hope this helps.

Why dont you want to use RTL to bumpfee? You can do it in pending tab and just need to provide output index. Its 0 or 1.