I had an issue with my Lightning node and it forced closed all my channels. Unfortunately my channel balances won’t settle and seem locked in the channels.
What is the best way to proceed with Start9? I have a older backup file, would I have to delete LND in order to restore?
Or should I use something like chantools? then I’d need a way to access the channel.db file.
Would appreciate help please, first time navigating an issue like this.
What does “locked in channels” mean? I sounds like you want force closes to happen and they haven’t OR they have and the funds haven’t landed yet. Both require different approaches.
The restoration from backup process is going to try to trigger those force closes. Going through it, restoring the backup might be what you’re looking for. You’d just need to be sure that the backup is recent enough the it includes all the channels.
And if you have TXs to broadcast (i.e. you were closing channels) restarting LND is enough to rebroadcast those.
Ok, I saw the funds were sent to an address, I could see it on mempool, but I couldn’t see them in my wallet and was afraid I got penalized or something.
I decided to try to Reset Wallet Transactions in LND and force a rescan, A very, very long while later… The funds finally appeared, much to my relief.
Thank-you all for the help, it was much appreciated.