I’m aware that connecting to start9 via local IP address is not recommended. I’ve read all the docs and topics on trusting root-CA, SSH, etc. Even still, I would argue there are multiple reasons that knowing the local IP is very useful for setup-troubleshooting-lightning node configuration, etc. Without getting into a back and forth argument about what those reasons could be, (inaccessible router, dhcp changes, etc) can someone please advise the simplest method(s) to discover the active local IP? System–>Insights/About does not always work.
Currently, I’m using commands typed into Firefox Developer Tools Console in a new tab when connected with a monitor/keyboard/mouse locally that return what I’m looking for. I would prefer a method that would work even when connected remotely (over tor for example). Perhaps there is a service that does this? (even if it is only part of the service’s properties).
In this scenario the router is inaccessible. There are hundreds or possibly thousands of devices connected on the network. Angry IP Scanner would take forever.
I’m a huge fan of the Start9 project and I understand the idea of making things dumbed-down and user-friendly as possible, but it’s really frustrating that something simple as the IP is hidden without an option to reveal it. If a Firefox console command can do it, why can’t the native interface?
if (event && event.candidate && event.candidate.candidate) {
const candidate = event.candidate.candidate;
const ipMatch = candidate.match(/(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}/);
if (ipMatch) {
console.log('Local IP Address:', ipMatch[0]);
Are you having trouble getting the user interface to load, per Alvaro’s instructions? The IP address is plainly displayed. An even faster way to display the IP address, is to simply ping the .local address with a command/terminal window.
No effort is being made to obscure, or prevent to from accessing your IP address. However, it’s important to understand that as of StartOS 0.3.5, services running on your server are not accessible via IP, and port. You can only access the admin dash that way.
…in a terminal is exactly what I was looking for. Wifi connections (I know, not recommended) for some reason don’t always show the IP in the About section.