Mempool update 2.5.1 - “Stopping…” message - Install failed

While everything was in the green light, today I updated Mempool app to version 2.5.1.
The first issue after the update was that in the “Notifications” tab there was the “Install Failed” message…

I returned to Mempool app, in its “Config” tab and without moving anything I just clicked save

During the span of about a minute, some other apps were showing the exclamation sign (!). They turned green again quickly.
However, the Mempool app continues to display the “Stopping…” message. There aren’t too many other things running on my system…

I would appreciate if someone expert here can please guide me to leave the application green as soon as possible.

Thank you in advance for your efforts.

It has been fixed! I had to restart the SO directly from the user interface. I leave the post here anyway, it may probably be useful to someone else.


Thanks for posting this, I just had the same experience updating Mempool. I will try a reboot.

And shoot… I restarted and hadn’t looked at the node since… Tried to use it and found it wasn’t online. Restarted and doesn’t seem to get past the start screen. Just leaving this here for now. Will try to do some more troubleshooting when I have time.

EDIT/UPDATE: Yay, I guess I just needed to wait awhile. After an outing, the node seems to be running again!