Protecting my VPN from my ISP

Hi guys,

So I have worked out how to sync, access my server remotely through TOR, however how do I protect my Start9 server from my ISP watching what I am doing? So they don’t see my downloading robotsats etc. ? I know I can add a VPN to my laptop but how do I transfer that onto my Start9 server? Maybe there is a simple step I am missing in the setup.


Use your own router, and configure it to connect to a multi-hop VPN, such as that provided by Mullvad, or Proton. That way, your TOR connections from the services on your StartOS server will connect over the VPN. The ISP will see just your VPN connection.

Keep in mind that using publicly known, and perhaps unknown deep packet inspection methods, some additional metadata might be extracted. Traffic patterns might give away with at least some level of probability, some of the services you might be using. I’ve heard that Mullvad has offered the option to introduce noise, or random data, into the the VPN connections, to further obfuscate data patterns. Other privacy VPN providers may be doing the same, but I don’t know anything else about that. Might be worth a few searches to learn more.