Restoring history from account on laptop to Bisq on Start9

I posted on the Bisq forum to find out how to restore my Bisq account (including account history) on my Start9 server and was told to ask Start9 support where the data directory is. I’m also not sure how to get the data from my laptop to wherever it’s supposed to be. Any tips on these items:

  1. Where the data directory for Bisq would be or how to find it.
  2. How to get data from Bisq backup on my laptop to Start9 server.
  3. Anything else I should know?

Hi there!

To import an account on Bisq StatOS, start by uploading your account file to your server. Click the black dot, then open the File Manager. Use the upload button to upload your file. Once the file is uploaded, follow the standard account import flow in Bisq.

Screenshot from 2024-11-30 20-14-30

Hey @h0mer. Thanks for the tip.
I’ll try clicking the black dot you mentioned when I get back to home base.

The Bisq backup is a folder full of files and subdirectories. I tried zipping it to upload as a batch, but the file is too big. Do I have to manually recreate the folder structure on the server and upload each file individually?