SSH - Access denied

I am trying to use SSH from my Mac to my server. When I am asked for the system"s pw and I get an access denied msg when entered. I have confirmed that the pw I am using is correct by logging out/in through a browser. I tried creating a new key pair, adding it to the server after emptying the .ssh folder on my Mac. That didn’t work. I’d appreciate any suggestions.

Delete everything, start over and follow the guides carefully and to the letter.

The guides have details for every system. Every guide is precise, tested, correct and works. Go through them carefully until you discover your mistake.

I am pretty sure I followed it exactly. I will give it a go again. By delete everything, do you mean just the .ssh folder?

Sure. Get yourself into a clean starting position and work through it slowly until you find what you overlooked.

Your mention of a “systems password” and logging in and out of a browser to confirm it is a clear sign that the guide was not followed. The only password you should be entering is the one you set on your SSH key.

What I meant by that is when I try to use SSH, I get a prompt for my system’s password like this: "start9@xxxxx.local’s password: " That doesn’t seem to be asking for the SSH key password. Even though, I tried that as well. Neither worked. Thanks for the help. I try again.

I don’t know what I did incorrectly, but I got it working now. Thanks

Glad you got it going! It would have been impossible for me to know what you did wrong either, not without going through every step with you. This is why we’ll always push you and others to go through the guide again from the start yourselves… not because of a lack of desire to help, but because you’ll get it eventually without any help, and with just one person doing it rather than two.

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