Start 9 stops are spawning after login on local network

So what’s been happening? I’ve done a system restart. I’m just trying to get this working.

If I log into my Start9 server in kiosk mode, it works fine, won’t go down. I download in the blockchain perfect.

If I log in from a computer on my local network, it will let me log in, and then after about 10, 20 minutes it freezes.

The computer doesn’t shut down, the hard drive light just stops blinking, and it’s like it’s a sleep or something, because kiosk mode I see nothing on the screen.

And again, it works perfect in kiosk mode, and I can leave it on forever then, and use it in kiosk mode, but as soon as I go to log in from a local machine, it’ll let me log in and then freeze. And by freeze, I mean if I’m on the web page on the local machine for longer than 10 minutes, it’ll just say gateway timeout, and none of the pages will do anything. If you look at the computer that it’s on, then the hard drive light is stopped blinking. The light’s still on, but if I turn on the monitor, there’s nothing on the screen and the keyboard does nothing.

Dell Optiplex 5060 i5 8th gen
32GB 2666 ddr4
2TB nvme WD black 760
Connected via lan cable

I dont see anything in the os or kernel logs but it seems they reset after the hard restart.

Are there logs i can post for better support? If so how do i pull them?

Thank you for the help, I’m a noob.

I take it you can’t reproduce this freezing behavior on your client machines when Kiosk mode is also in use? My approach would be to recommend running the logs in Kiosk mode and waiting for this freeze.

Without that, the next option is for you to go ahead and set up SSH as per the guide. This gives you a 3rd way to monitor the system and investigate this odd behavior (which ultimately will be something related to the hardware I suspect).


Thanks for the response. I set up ssh. How do I view the running system logs?

They’re not here

start9@:~$ cd /var/log
start9@z:/var/log$ cat syslog
cat: syslog: No such file or directory
start9@:/var/log$ less syslog
syslog: No such file or directory

Thank you for responding.

You’d do

sudo journalctl -kfe

and maybe work with
