Start9 DIY with Raspberry Pi - Questions

Hi everyone,

I am reading the guide to building your own hardware with Raspberry Pi and installing Start9.

Question 1:
In the guide above it’s explicitly states that SSD use is not recommended. But if I want to run my own full Bitcoin node, I’ll need 1TB+ of space. Should the guide above be read as if the minimum requirements of 64GB is to run a pruned node? I.e. if I want to run a full one I should just buy a larger microsd with 1TB+?

Question 2:
Can I run a Lightning node with Start9 as well? Do I need larger than 1TB to run both?

Question 3:
What is the expected due date of a Raspberry Pi 4 chip? Can I expect to run it forever basically, or will it get outdated within just a couple of years?

All the best.

There is no need to post the same question to every support medium Start9 has. Please pick just one and we’ll reply to you there. If we have to reply to 3 of the same post, it just gives us more work and means we can help fewer people.

As I said on Telegram. You are reading the wrong guide, and older guide.

This is the new one: Start9 | DIY (Raspberry Pi)

The Raspberry Pi is not suitable to run Bitcoin and you should stick to an x86 device that will be more powerful for the same money.

As I said on Telegram, you can see services here:
…and Nextcloud would be the best cloud storage replacement.

Sorry about that. Wasn’t sure about how the various forums were interconnected and where ppl might be more active. Won’t happen again.