I was able to get to a splash screen saying Start9 was installed correctly from the flash USB, but getting the above error screen when attempting to boot to it.
It keeps saying SGX disabled even when I manually set it to enabled in BIOS.
Same screen whether SecureBoot is on or off.
First time trying a lot of this, Claude has been immensely helpful but still stuck at this point. Any considerations great appreciated
I don’t know who Claude is, but if that’s Jean-Claude Van Damme, while he normally plays the good guide, having him around sensitive equipment probably isn’t a good idea.
On the screen you show, it shows you what the error is. It says the bus that sda2 is plugged into isn’t recognized and can’t be run by the drivers in the kernel that comes with StartOS. This means nothing can boot from the sda2, because there’s no way to read data from it.
The specifics I can’t guess at. If this is a RAID card that can be removed, that’s an option. If this SSD is connected to the board, then you might be stuck.
Trust me, if JCVD was around this office would be a hell of a lot sexier (and a lot less shirts being worn). But more than likely, we’d be out fighting crime and/or dancing
I was able to get past the error by booting into Safe Mode (not ideal but a workaround).
I’ve been downloading the blockchain via Bitcoin Core on another drive from the one StartOS is on, but unable to find the config file to change where to point Bitcoin Core (on StartOS) to the existing blockchain.
Since StartOS is built on Linux, I assume I’ll have to use the terminal to navigate to the file? Is there a way to open the terminal in the UI or do I have to connect via SSH on another machine?
StartOS uses containers. While you can mess around with the OS and symbolically link docker volumes where you please, it won’t survive upgrades to services or the OS.
The correct approach is to migrate the blockchain to where Bitcoin Core on StartOS expects it to be, and for that, yes, you’d use SSH and refer to our chain migration guide.