I coming from UmrelOS. I install Start9 for a test on my laptop. After one week running is ready to stay and move to other hardware.
After moving the ssd/m.2 into final machine i become
StartOS launch error: WiFi Internal Error wlp2s0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device
WiFi was before not configured or used and will in future also not using. How can i fixit this?
2nd question: GUI language is english, my keyboard is german. How can i change systemwide the layout (chroot and install keyb)?
You might need to flash with x86_64-nonfree.iso) Release v0.3.5.1 · Start9Labs/start-os · GitHub
The nonfree has proprietary drivers that may fix that error. But make sure you select use existing drive so you don’t erase your data. You can follow these guides:
I meant to reflash in case you didn’t use the nonfree orginally, but if you are sure that you did already use the nonfree ISO then this may not solve the error.