Trouble syncing Bitcoin Core

So finally got my embassy up and running and started the process of syncing Bitcoin Core yesterday morning.

This afternoon I realized id been stuck in the low 16% progress area all day. I checked the logs and noticed that every time it reached block height 413265 it stops and gives multiple errors and then restarts from block height 412202.

I am far from a coder and definitely fit into the everyday user Start9 intends to target. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

2023-03-21T16:53:41-04:00 2023-03-21T20:53:41Z LevelDB read failure: Corruption: block checksum mismatch: /root/.bitcoin/chainstate/042286.ldb
2023-03-21T16:53:41-04:00 2023-03-21T20:53:41Z Fatal LevelDB error: Corruption: block checksum mismatch: /root/.bitcoin/chainstate/042286.ldb
2023-03-21T16:53:41-04:00 Error: Error reading from database, shutting down.
2023-03-21T16:53:41-04:00 2023-03-21T20:53:41Z You can use -debug=leveldb to get more complete diagnostic messages
2023-03-21T16:53:41-04:00 2023-03-21T20:53:41Z Error: Error reading from database, shutting down.
2023-03-21T16:53:41-04:00 2023-03-21T20:53:41Z Error reading from database: Fatal LevelDB error: Corruption: block checksum mismatch: /root/.bitcoin/chainstate/042286.ldb
2023-03-21T16:53:43-04:00 PROCESS TERMINATED BY SIGABRT
2023-03-21T16:53:59-04:00 Error updating blockchain info: error: timeout on transient error: Could not connect to the server
2023-03-21T16:53:59-04:00 Make sure the bitcoind server is running and that you are connecting to the correct RPC port.

Unfortunately your chainstate has been corrupted somehow. You’ll need to uninstall / reinstall Bitcoin and start over. Unless you had a power outage or some other violence was done to your hardware, then this could be due to power delivery or storage connection. What is your hardware setup?

Running eOS on an old 2012 Mac Mini 2.6GHz Quad-Core i7 with 16GB Ram and 256GB SSD linked to a 2 TB external SSD.

I’ve noticed that my CPU has been overheating and has shut off a couple of times now. CPU was working at between 20-30% while syncing Bitcoin and was getting up to 100ºC.

I have ordered a replacement fan hoping this solves the overheating issue. I imagine the corruption is coming from the overheating and shutdown but have also considered it could be the external SSD.

Would I be better off installing a 2 TB internal SSD?

Thanks for your help I appreciate it!

This definitely sounds like your problem.

If you are installing the OS to a 256G SSD, then you are wasting 240G of space. It would make much more sense to just use the 2TB SSD internally on its own. Using it externally means you have to depend on USB for your I/O, which is not ideal. These changes (namely properly cooling your chip) ought to solve the issue.