Unable to connect to .local (linux)

Things to check off after setup:

  • can connect to ip address securely on Fedora/Debian on Firefox and Chrome
  • can connect to .local on Android but not Linux
  • certificates registered in settings
  • Restarted Firefox, rebooted, Ctrl+r, cleared cache multiple times

Still “can’t connect to the server at --.local”. I feel like I’ve exhausted everything from the manual, are there any other options?

Check that your avahi daemon is installed and enabled. Make sure you are not using a snap version of firefox

So, just to be sure:
install avahi
systemctl enable avahi-daemon.service

Still hasn’t changed things

Are you using Fedora?
This is the guide to trust root CA for fedora Start9 | Trusting Your Root CA on Linux

I don’t use Fedora but my understanding from searching is that it is Red Hat base. To install Avahi daemon try:

sudo dnf update
sudo dnf install avahi
sudo systemctl start avahi-daemon
sudo systemctl enable avahi-daemon
sudo systemctl status avahi-daemon