Unable to open lightning channel to Start9 HQ with CLN/RTL

I saw this error a while back, and didn’t pursue it because I was troubleshooting a different issue. Now I’ve eliminated all the other problems, and this one persists.

When I attempt to open a channel, I get this error:

500 - {“code”:-1,“message”:“they Sent Error Channel —REDACTED—: Funding Failed Due To Internal Error”,“data”:{“id”:“025d28dc4c4f5ce4194c31c3109129cd741fafc1ff2f6ea53f97de2f58877b2295”,“method”:“fundchannel_start”}}

It was suggested to me during my previous issues that I re-index the blockchain. I did that just to make sure, and I’m still having the problem.

I don’t know if it’s relevant, but I’m also seeing a peer in RTL that I didn’t add manually. I don’t know if this is normal for CLN. The network address is: (ws)[::ffff:]:35100

A while back I had LND running with RTL on different hardware and I don’t remember seeing that extra peer.

Any suggestions? I don’t even know where to start with this one.

The error is incredibly generic. If you try again, you might get some more information out of the CLN logs that could help.

I’d also be interested in whether you’ve changed any of the config values in CLN, as well as what size channel you’re opening and with how much on-chain funds.

I tried it a few more times and the logs just contain the same error.

As far as config, I’ve been using the CLN defaults. I did test it with “Tor only” enabled, but that didn’t change anything.

On-chain balance is around 500k sats and I’ve tried opening the channel with 300k up to using the whole utxo. I get the same result every time.

While I was typing all that, I tried opening the channel in CLN, bypassing RTL. Now I got some spicy red text in the logs:

2024-05-25T12:45:27-05:00 {“level”:“error”,“message”:“\tLightning error from fundchannel command”,“timestamp”:“2024-05-25 17:45:27:4527”}
2024-05-25T12:45:27-05:00 {“level”:“error”,“message”:“\t{"code":401,"message":"All addresses failed: imw3e76e5jfeorav2gzb5gtt4vy7cdqu27ayhut6hneefis7dwgccoqd.onion:9735: Connection establishment: peer closed connection. Connection establishment: Connection refused. ","data":{"id":"025d28dc4c4f5ce4194c31c3109129cd741fafc1ff2f6ea53f97de2f58877b2295","method":"connect"}}”,“timestamp”:“2024-05-25 17:45:27:4527”}
2024-05-25T12:45:27-05:00 {“level”:“error”,“message”:“\tController caught lightning error from fundchannel: {"message":"All addresses failed: imw3e76e5jfeorav2gzb5gtt4vy7cdqu27ayhut6hneefis7dwgccoqd.onion:9735: Connection establishment: peer closed connection. Connection establishment: Connection refused. ","error":"All addresses failed: imw3e76e5jfeorav2gzb5gtt4vy7cdqu27ayhut6hneefis7dwgccoqd.onion:9735: Connection establishment: peer closed connection. Connection establishment: Connection refused. ","statusCode":521,"name":"Core Lightning API Error"}”,“timestamp”:“2024-05-25 17:45:27:4527”}
2024-05-25T12:45:27-05:00 {“level”:“error”,“message”:"\tAll addresses failed: imw3e76e5jfeorav2gzb5gtt4vy7cdqu27ayhut6hneefis7dwgccoqd.onion:9735: Connection establishment: peer closed connection. Connection establishment: Connection refused. ",“timestamp”:“2024-05-25 17:45:27:4527”}

Okay, so after all that, it DID open a channel. Basically it threw a bunch of errors and opened the channel anyway. The fact that it worked bothers me more than when it didn’t. I literally didn’t change anything.

Perhaps it was as simple as a poor connection.

I’m not sure. The channel was useless. I couldn’t send any amount of sats anywhere. I was able to close it, and no funds were lost or anything, but it’s definitely not normal behavior. At this point I’m just going to go through EVERYTHING looking for errors. We had some power outages, then I had the issues with corrupted backups, then this… I think there are some gremlins that need to be flushed out before I do anything else.