Upgrading my old Bitseed node

Hello everyone! I’ve been using embassyOS on a Raspberry Pi, but I’m considering switching to an x86 architecture. Recently, I found my old Bitseed node lying around, which has decent specs: an Intel Celeron 2.4 processor, 4GB RAM, and a 1TB HDD with a 2.5-inch SATA interface. I decided to install embassyOS (or startOS?) on it, but I encountered some difficulties. The blockchain synchronization took a long time, and the overall user experience was a bit painful. As a result, I’ve decided to upgrade the system by replacing the RAM and HDD. I’ve attached a picture below. If any of you have any advice or suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it. I’ll keep you posted on my progress.



Looking forward to seeing your progression!

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I did some research and found out the specifications of the motherboard. It turns out it can only support up to 8GB of RAM and has an mSATA slot. So, I went ahead and bought a 1TB mSATA drive and 8GB of memory. I assembled everything and started testing it. Right now, I’ve installed a fresh startOS and I’m in the process of syncing the Bitcoin chain. It’s already reached about 40% completion in just one day. Feels more like ferrari on new hardware then my old Pi.

Screenshot 2023-05-26 at 10.28.22

Screenshot 2023-05-26 at 10.25.11


Looks like you have chosen wisely! :fire:

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