When will Start9 release an x86 ISO LiveCD with persistance? That works with Ventoy & VirtualBox?

Typically, I can just copy & paste Linux distro ISOs onto a thumbdrive alongside Ventoy, which allows you to pick and choose which ISO boots from the usb drive.

Or I will just boot from the ISO in a VirtualBox machine, and I’m able to run the OS, test it out, and then install it if I like it.

Why does Start9 require the use of Balena Etcher?

Hi, you can definitely use a hypervisor to run StartOS in a VM. I personally run a few instances in ProxMox Servers so I can allocate more Storage when necessary.

That said, Balena Etcher is merely a recommendation but not a requirement. I have personally used the Raspberry Pi Imager to flash StartOS many times without fail for different DIY projects.

Yes, you can run StartOS in a Virtual Machine, test it out & see if you like it, if you don’t like it then you can simply delete the Virtual Machine.

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Hi OKIN, how do I install it? There’s no option to install
Screenshot 2024-03-04 at 10.05.21 pm

Hi Ray,

This topic has been closed. However, you should be able to hit Enter at this screen & then follow the on-screen instructions or you can also go through the User Manual steps under our Docs to make sure you go about everything correctly → Start9 | Initial Setup

Is the error below normal?

This is not something I have seen before no. What hardware specs did you allocate to your VM (RAM; Storage; etc…)?

What happens after this screen? What else are you seeing?

I’m using Windows HyperV. I’ve downloaded the ISO, mounted and boot.
12GB RAM, 35GB drive and 1TB drive.

Nothing else from this screen on, I’ve tried to browse to it but with no luck. Should I be able to browse to it at this stage even with the I/O error?

I don’t run any windows machines, so I don’t have any experience with HyperV for Windows, but someone else might have come across the same error with a similar setup.

It might be a good idea to ask in our Telegram DIY channel as well → Telegram: Contact @start9_labs

That said, you might want to stick as close as possible to the recommended specs when configuring your VM to make sure things run smoothly:

Minimum OS Requirements

The specs below would be acceptable for a server running minimal services with minimal storage needs:

  • Single vCPU Core 2Ghz (boost)
  • 4GB RAM
  • 64GB Storage
  • Ethernet port

Recommended OS Requirements

If you intend to run Bitcoin or store any meaningful amount of data, we recommend the following:

  • Quad-Core CPU 2.5Ghz+ (boost)
  • 8GB+ RAM
  • 1TB+ Storage
  • Ethernet port

Moving to DIY, Hacking, & How-To - to my knowledge, nobody has ever run on Hyper V, so you might have to dig in on this to find out why you are unable to boot. Start by using the nonfree image, as you may need some proprietary drivers.

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