Will AI replace coders?

For last 5 months I’v been “learnig to code”. To be exact web dev. Few weeks ago I started using chatGPT and now I’m thinking what is the point of me learnig. To be honest I am a bit worried if there will be any job when im done studying. Dont get me wrong. Using AI made me much more efficient and creative. What do you think guys?

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In my opinion it’s just another tool. Even if lots of code can be generated in an “intelligent” way, it will still require a living being with creativity and innovation to be the Creator.


I think it is a great tool to have, but if you don’t know how to put the code together it may not work, so you still need to ‘know how to code’, also if it steals your job, your next job is to learn to write good AI prompts :slight_smile:


I think it wont replace coders. Rather it will help the coders with writing code. I’m a coder myself (+10years experience and going) and used ChatGPT to generate some code snippets, which was very helpful. The generated code never was 100% what i needed but it was very usable every time. Needed very few corrections/adapting. So to summarize it indeed is a very good and helpful tool, if you know how to use it, 2-10x less time to write code.


I agree its powerful tool. It can reduce 5 coders to one to do the same and lower the bar for beginers. Hard to imagine that it is positive for job market. Also Have been thinking in this progress how can one trust any video and audio on web, basicly any data…

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This is like saying that the Internet and search engines will replace libraries. Not only has this not happened (they serve slightly different purposes), but also there are suddenly exponentially more people with rapid access to books and answers.

I think theses language engines (they are not “intelligences” by any stretch of the imagination) will be the new search engines (Bing and Brave Search are already toying with this) and that will be a useful tool for everyone. Just as with Google, this will require vigilance on the part of the Open Source community to help keep these tools open and Freedom-principled. The Big Tech options will lead directly to tyranny.


Well said. OpeanAi was just sold to microsoft and its no longer open…Somehow I think it will change everthing considering trust models. Very intresting times indeed.

Yeah I have not used their software and probably never will. I would prefer to help train an open and principled model - there seem to be several in the works.

Can you give the names of this projects?

If you do a search you will find tons of projects. I cannot recommend any, but here are a few examples:


Check this out - https://nixified.ai/


Woudl be great to have a service like that on embassy. Just saying.

One day… One day we’ll have things on our servers that we can’t even imagine. I’m very much looking forward to diving into home automation and voice assistants this year!

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