Having start9 isssues would like to reinstall

Running start9 on a dell laptop, for a while with out issues but now having issues doing backup, updates and installing app, would like to uninstall start9 and then reinstall it , hope this well resolved issues Is there a correct way to do these steps to uninstall and reinstall stat9


Before you reinstall StartOS on your Dell, could you share some more details about your Hardware Configuration and what the Health Checks of your installed Services are saying (are they all green)?

Might be necessary to do a full reflash of the OS.

my mistake using a Lenovo T550 2tb, health checks are green, here are some errors I get when doing updates and other operations

RPC ERROR: Network Error error sending request for url (https://registry.start9.com//eos/v0/latest?server-id=273a23bf-17ee-4c89-a9ae-8e1da37ee23f&os.version=>%3D0.3.0+<%3D0.3.5.1&os.arch=x86_64&hardware.arch=x86_64&hardware.ram=8011120640&hardware.device.processor=Intel(R)+Core(TM)+i7-5600U+CPU+%40+2.60GHz&hardware.device.display=HD+Graphics+5500): connection error: error:0A0003FC:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert bad record mac:ssl/record/rec_layer_s3.c:1586:SSL alert number 20


RPC ERROR: Network Error error sending request for url (https://registry.start9.com//eos/v0/latest?server-id=273a23bf-17ee-4c89-a9ae-8e1da37ee23f&os.version=>%3D0.3.0+<%3D0.3.5.1&os.arch=x86_64&hardware.arch=x86_64&hardware.ram=8011120640&hardware.device.processor=Intel(R)+Core(TM)+i7-5600U+CPU+%40+2.60GHz&hardware.device.display=HD+Graphics+5500): connection error: error:0A0003FC:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert bad record mac:ssl/record/rec_layer_s3.c:1586:SSL alert number 20

What version of StartOS are you running? These are both the same error messages. Are you seeing them while trying to update StartOS? Have you tried powering everything down and restarting. Also, for back and forth trouble shooting, telegram is probably the better means of communication (if you use it). The link is Telegram: Contact @start9_labs

version 0.3.5, same error for any type update, don’t care for telegram, there are a lot of fake people there, in my opinion. but may try it one more time

So you have green health checks? but you can’t update. Do your services work? Are you able to connect over your LAN and Tor. Did you go through the steps to trust your Root CA? etc. These are the first things to check. I would eliminate the possibility of this being a network issue before reinstalling everything.

LAN and Tor are working , all network connections seem to be working ,

You can try system rebuild in the system → power → rebuild if you continue to have consistent errors and you are sure its not just your network. If you want to reinstall without loosing your data, you can flash the latest StartOS on a thumb drive and boot from it. Make sure you choose use existing drive if you don’t want to lose your data. I will leave links for the flashing guide and the use existing drive guide.
Flashing guide for os-x86

Guide to reinstall StartOS using existing drive

I have tried system rebuild a couple to times and powered down as well,

ok thanks for your help

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Did you end up getting back online? Normally these are transient networking errors and can be fixed with a hard refresh. If not, then you may have an issue in your networking stack somewhere, such as a custom firewall, VPN, or a setting in your router. You can also try to restart the router.