How do i recover my seedphrase on LND?

Guys, i am struggling to recover it, i came from a crashed umbrel, so i can not follow that excelent importing guide. I deleted lnd and installed again and tried CLI from a fresh start but without starting you cannot run LNCLI and after starting it auto creates a new seed, i did run lncli create, inserted my 24 words seeds but in the files it shows the auto created seed. There’s any way i am getting to recover it?

If you’re up for experimenting, you can still follow parts of this Umbrel guide…

The fact that your Umbrel is “crashed” doesn’t mean you can’t gain access to the LND directory to access the content of that LND directory with another Linux computer. Once you have those LND contents, you can still follow the bulk of this guide, which itself has a step that involves pulling the Umbrel contents into a local directory.

If the only thing you have access to is your seed phrase (bad… because you won’t have access to any of your channel funds or be able to force close them) then your best bet is restoring outside of LND on StartOS, with either an advanced wallet or with LND installed on another a less opinionated OS.