Monero wallet gui on Linux not connecting to Start9 monero 'remote note'/daemon

I am running on Mint using the app image of monero wallet GUI. I followed the directions here: monerod-startos/docs/ at master · kn0wmad/monerod-startos · GitHub

I have not set up authentication since this is only needed local. I have tried the local (my preferred option) using the '‘Wallet RPC URL (LAN)’ and onion ('Wallet RPC URL (Tor). I tried changing with the port # from the instructions said to that on the properties listed after each address in my start9 monero app.

what am I missing/doing incorrectly?

Hi @BasicSkillset, can you confirm that you are using the Restricted RPC URL found on your service’s Properties page, rather than the Wallet RPC URL? If not, that will explain the error.

I have the same issue. My PC is using Ubuntu. I followed the same guides listed in the OP but my Monero GUI refuses to connect to “remote” node, on my own network. I am using Restricted RPC URL.

this worked. thank you for that. do you know what the unrestricted “Wallet RPC URL (LAN)” is for? Maybe I am missing where the instructions are on all this. Maybe you can help on my next question:
it seems Monero GUI only lets onr mine with a local daemon so I will not be able to mine with this app using Start9. Is there a wallet that will?

I am trying to get it working with XMRig on a Linux PC on the LAN. But I get an error when trying to connect to the StartOS Monero Node, using it IP address and port 18081, “connect error: connection refused”.
Any ideas why?

Don’t think XMRig for mining is compatible yet. Check here Can XMrig be added to the marketplace?

After more research, it appears that there is a monero config file that has settings to only allow XMRig from the same PC, not from the LAN. I have tried altering the RPC IP address to allow LAN connections, but the Monero node on StartOS keeps resetting the config file back to how it was.
So we really need some Monero mining software on StartOS or else for instructions from Start9 on how to get it working from a PC on the same LAN as the StartOS PC.

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