Getting errors from Nextcloud Recognize

Hello helpful folks,

I am trying to get Nextcloud Recognize up and running. I followed the instructions in this thread. I received success messages with installing Recognize, and downloading the machine learning models.

When I go into the app admin settings, I first see an error about a node.js binary, and then when I enable face recognition, I get several more errors, all shown in the below screenshot:

Here are the Nextcloud logs:

This thread looked like it might provide some help, however I didn’t find a solution within it.

Have you been through our detailed guides

Hi Rick,

Thank you for the link - I’ve been through those guides, and I haven’t seen a guide for the Nextcloud app “Recognize”, or any mention of it in the other guides.

As I mentioned in my original post, I’ve looked through multiple forum threads that mention Recognize, includes the Nextclour Apps Master thread, but no luck solving my problem thus far.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

Some features are limited in the StartOS version of Nextcloud. Nextcloud has such a vast amount of apps and settings that not all have even been tested. We have this master list of things that have been tested but it hasn’t been updated in a while. Some of Nextcloud is going to be trial and error

Thank you Rick, yes I read through that master list and Recognize is mentioned as working but perhaps that’s changed and it just hasn’t been updated.

Can you confirm your version of NC and your version of Recognize? and perhaps if you modified anything or have anything that might conflict. My setup is working fine with the latest versions.

Thank you for the follow-up; I am running Nextcloud version 27.1.7 and Recognize version 5.0.3.

I imagine this would be far easier to troubleshoot on the private support server - I haven’t purchased access to it yet because I anticipate upgrading to a Server One or Server Pure in the next 3-6 months, and I know it includes access to the support server. Is there an option to purchase access to the server now, and apply the $100 spent on that access to a future server purchase?

Thanks again for the amazing product and all of the help thus far.

I’m not convinced we’d even find a definitive answer for you, support server or not, since I don’t see that it’s reproducible from what you’ve said. Is there anything else you might have done that could possibly explain it?

What other “apps”/plugins did you install? Can you try disabling them then restarting Nextcloud?

I don’t have any other apps installed beyond the ones that were pre-installed with my StartOS Nextcloud instance.

I am running StartOS on a Raspberry Pi 4 at the moment. I see in the Recognize admin settings, under “Tensorflow WASM Mode”, that running Tensorflow in WASM mode is required for a Raspberry Pi, so I have WASM mode enabled.

I am also seeing a warning in the Recognize admin settings, under “Node.js” heading, that Recognize “Could not execute the Node.js binary. You may need to set the path to a working binary manually.” The prompt for the file path is currently blank.

And then, finally, in the Recognize admin settings under the heading “Classifier process priority”, I’m seeing the warning that Recognize “Could not find the Nice binary. You may need to set the path to a working binary manually”. The path is currently set to /bin/nice

Interesting. It might be specific to the Pi.